TWA 8. SEAPLANES (English)

  • Производитель AMMO MIG
  • Категория Каталоги, Книги, Журналы
  • Артикул A.MIG-5208
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  • Описание The Weathering Aircraft Magazine, your publication of choice entirely focused on painting and weathering techniques for aircraft models, launches its eighth issue. This time we focus in how to paint, weather, and mimic water effects on this unique class of aircraft, seaplanes. For this we will show you different techniques used to simulate chipped paint, salt residue, rust, and accumulations of dirt and algae. All types of paints and products are used: filters, washes, nature effects, pigments, chipping fluids... everything necessary to achieve a variety of different finishes. We even have an article devoted to representing water itself, an essential element that we must master when working with this type of plane. As always, this magazine explains with detailed “step by step” articles, how to create the details and effects of an operative seaplane as illustrated through high quality photos and concise descriptions by some of the finest modelers in the world.

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