TIRAN in lebanese wars (English Version)

  • Производитель AMMO MIG
  • Категория Каталоги, Книги, Журналы
  • Артикул A.MIG-6000
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  • 2,370 р. В корзину

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  • Описание In english. In its 96 pages, this book will show the modeler over 300 unpublished and high quality photos of the Tiran. It includes photos of this tank in combat, destroyed, variants, on maneuvers, a walk-around of all the details, and more. The modeler will also enjoy the innumerable effects, damage, deterioration, grease, chipping, etc, this vehicle presented during its operational life and use them as inspiration for their models not only of Tiran but any other tank. In addition the book provides countless ideas for diorama modelers. Undoubtedly the best work of Samer Kassis.

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