Набор акриловых красок MIDDLE EAST AIR FORCES

  • Производитель AMMO MIG
  • Категория Краска, химия, материалы
  • Артикул A.MIG-7217
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  • 1,180 р. В корзину

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  • Описание High quality acrylic paints. This pack includes 4 colors required to decorate aircraft flown in the Middle East, including countries such as Iran, Iraq, and Jordan, among others. This diverse set is ideal for painting the F-4 Phantom, F-5 Tiger, F-14 Tomcat, Mig-23, Su-25, Tucano, and even helicopters like the AH-1 Cobra. These colors are based on the references of FEDERAL STANDARD and are exact colors, although slightly lightened to compensate for the scale effect of any model. Each color is the optimally formulated to obtain the maximum performance with both brush and airbrush. Set contains 4 colors in 17mL containers. Shake well before each use. Each canister includes a steel agitator to facilitate the mixing of the paint. Soluble in water, odorless and non-toxic. We recommend A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner for a correct dissolution. Colors dry completely in 24 hours.

    Includes the colors:

    A.MIG-0206 RLM 81 – FS 34079 – BS641
    A.MIG-0226 FS33622 GRAY

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